All You Need to Know About the 2024 Double Cicada Emergence in Missouri

The 2024 double cicada emergence is the hot topic of the summer. The last time these two broods emerged at once, Thomas Jefferson was president. Thomas Jefferson! Here's all you need to know about the double emergence coming to St. Louis this summer.

What is the Missouri cicada emergence? 

Two broods of cicadas, one emerging every 13 years and the other every 17 years are both emerging in Missouri in 2024. The University of Missouri writes, “For the most part, most Missourians will only experience one brood, the Great Southern Brood, which last appeared in Missouri in 2011.” However, “Some stragglers (from the second brood) may make their way into southern Illinois and the St. Louis area.” We can expect the cicadas to emerge anytime from late April through June.  They emerge when the soil warms to 64 degrees, and they dig their way out of the ground.   

What will happen in St. Louis when cicadas emerge?

Entomologist, Tamra Reall wrote, “Expect to see cicadas after a spring rain, and expect to see a lot of them – as many as 1.5 million per acre. This creates a feeding frenzy for predators and litter so heavy that the sidewalks and highways may need shoveling.” They climb trees, fence posts or anything vertical before shedding their hard skins. Then they head to treetops to mate, lay their eggs and die within four to six weeks. The loud sound you will hear is from male cicadas as they send out their mating call, which can be as loud as a lawnmower, Reall says. The synchronized male singing can be louder than a jet engine.

Are cicadas dangerous?

Cicadas, while loud and messy, are harmless to humans and their pets. They don’t sting or bite.   

What to do about cicadas in St. Louis

Avoid mowing your lawn or using other yard equipment between the hours of 10 am – 5 pm. This is because the vibration of the equipment attracts cicadas mistaking it for the male mating call.   If you’re concerned about protecting new trees or bushes, it’s a good idea to cover them with cheesecloth. Where do you get cheesecloth the size of a tree? We're not really sure either. We're between cheesecloth guys.

Thomas Jefferson was president the last time two broods of cicadas emerged at once. And the advice then is the same as our advice now. Be patient. There’s no real solution to prevent the cicadas from invading your property. If you’d like a deep dive there are several research projects you may review regarding the inefficacy of insecticides to control cicada broods. And remember, if you see a product claiming it can stop the emergence on your property, know it is likely a scam.  If you have doubts or just want to ask a question, give us a call.   

If you want to geek out on the emergence, here’s a site to learn more and even track the cicadas.  

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