All You Need to Know About Moles Around St. Louis

Let’s dive into the underground world of Eastern Moles, the species living in the St. Louis area, exploring their habits, impact on lawns, and effective pest control strategies. Understanding these elusive creatures can help maintain a healthy and mole-free lawn.  

Meet the Eastern Mole

Physical Characteristics 

  • The Eastern Mole is a small, stocky mammal with velvety fur, adapted for a life underground. 

  • Their eyes are tiny, and their ears are concealed within their fur, making them well-suited for their subterranean lifestyle. 

  • Their front limbs are powerful, equipped with shovel-like claws for digging intricate tunnel systems.

Habitat and Behavior 

  • Eastern moles prefer moist, sandy soil and avoid dry sands and heavy clays. 

  • Unlike gophers, moles are primarily carnivores, feeding on insects such as earthworms, grubs, beetles, spiders, and insect larvae. 

  • Moles are active day and night. They tend to be awake for about 5 hours, then sleep for 3 hours, repeating this cycle over a 24-hour period.  

  • These industrious diggers can create extensive networks of tunnels, aerating the soil and improving drainage, that is... when they’re not ruining your yard.  

  • Moles breed in late winter or spring and four to six weeks later have a litter of two to five, typically born in March, April or May. This explains why now is the time homeowners begin to notice a lot of mole activity.  

The Impact on Lawns

Tunneling and Mound Formation 

  • Eastern moles construct shallow surface tunnels for foraging and deeper tunnels for nesting and protection. 

  • Their tunneling disrupts grass roots, leading to unsightly ridges and mounds on lawns. 

  • Molehills are telltale signs of their presence.

Feeding Habits 

  • Moles will eat the equivalent of their own bodyweight per day to fuel their constant digging and foraging. 

  • However, their feeding behavior can damage plant roots and disturb the lawn’s aesthetics

Identifying Mole Activity

Molehills: These are raised mounds of soil, often shaped like volcanoes. If you see these small hills scattered across your lawn, it’s a clear sign of mole activity1

Surface Runways: Mole tunnels can create raised ridges or surface tunnels that disrupt the appearance of lawns and gardens. These runways are usually just below the surface and can be felt when walking over them

Subsurface Tunnels: One of the most prominent indicators of mole activity is the presence of subsurface tunnels. These tunnels are usually at least 10 inches underground, unless the moles are scanning the surface in search of a mate. Moles are expert diggers and can add up to 150 feet of new tunnels in your lawn each day1. 

Damage to Plants and Roots: While moles are not after your plants, their tunneling can disturb the soil and damage plant roots. If you notice plants wilting or dying without an apparent cause, moles may be the culprits. 

Effective Pest Control Strategies


 Maintain well-drained soil to discourage moles from tunneling. 
 Regularly inspect your lawn for signs of mole activity and address any issues promptly.  

Natural Repellents 

 Plant daffodils, marigolds, or castor beans, as their strong scents may deter moles. 
 White grubs are a food source for moles, although even a grub-free lawn may have moles if other food sources are present. In the absence of other food sources, controlling grubs may eliminate moles. 
 Professional Pest Control

 Consult with Pure Pest to assess the severity of the mole problem. 


Understanding the Eastern mole’s behavior and impact on lawns empowers homeowners to implement effective pest control measures. By striking a balance between coexistence and management, we can appreciate these remarkable creatures while maintaining beautiful, mole-free lawns. 

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